From the factory, a ’67 VW Beetle produced 53 horsepower. Thanks to an interesting reverse trike conversion with the powertrain from a 1,100cc Suzuki Katana, this Beetle now produced 136 ponies!
Apparently both vehicles were off the road and the Beetle needed an engine replacement. Someone creative/crazy decided to merge them and now it can be yours. Everything is probably as you expect, though it should be noted that it has a custom sequential shifter so it’s hand operated but it works in the normal pattern you expect on a motorcycle. Find this VW Trike for sale in Menasha, Wisconsin with an unmet opening bid of $100 here on eBay.
Ed 'Big Daddy' Roth is a legend in the hot rod and rock-art community, thanks to his creations like Rat Fink. While his focus was on building cars, he did have a phase where he focused on trikes. The "American Beetle" was one of those creations, with a 36 horsepower…
Hola loyal readers - I'm taking off to Brazil for a week and a half, so posting might be less frequent for the next few days. I apologize in advance. On the flip side, the whole trip will be worth it if I somehow stumble upon the Amazonas 1600 -…
Post Listing Update: This interesting trike got no action at the opening bid of $5,000. The Yamaha Venture Royale was an upscale tourer designed to compete with the Goldwing. Though it was a solid motorcycle, the most exciting thing about it was that Yamaha took the engine and modded it…