Someone’s offering up an interesting collection of helmets on eBay – some are very cool, some not so much, but they’re all being sold as one lot so you can’t pick and choose the ones you want.
The seller says that he collected them “over many years” until 2015. “There are many Rossi replicas (the official ones) as well as many other collectibles and many that were just a personal choice or preference.” Impressively, every single one is said to be new and never worn. 90% of them are large, and they don’t include the boxes. The seller says it cost him roughly $50,000 to assemble the whole collection, now he’s asking for $18,000 (which works out to $180 a helmet). I’m curious to see if anyone has the funds, interest, and space to make a move on this.
Find this interesting collection for sale in Miami, Florida with a BIN of $18,000 or best offer here on eBay.