13 Honda Z50s

In Japan, Off-Road, Small Displacement by AbhiLeave a Comment

Post Listing Update: This lot of Z50s did not get any action at the opening bid of $19,000.

I can’t imagine who would want to buy this, but someone is offering a collection of 13 Honda Z50s ranging from 1979 to 1999. They’re all claimed to be in “great original condition”, but what do you do with this? Start a little bike museum? Create a school for kids? Start a spec race class?

I’m really just featuring this because of the novelty of the offering. At the BIN, you’re looking at almost $1,700 a bike, which doesn’t seem like much of a discount for 20+ bikes! Find this collection of Z50s for sale in Detroit, Michigan with an unmet opening bid of $19,000 or a BIN of $22,000