Post Sale Update: After 33 bids on eBay, this Captain America replica sold for $25,800.
The incredible hammer price of the real Captain America bike ($1.62M) has brought replicas for sale in droves. Here’s the best one I’ve seen so far (which is still going to go for plenty of money).
This Captain America replica (VIN: HDNMCMCC76S014463) is very close to the original. Modifications include an engine that’s been bored over .50 with S&S pistons, rods, rings, and pins. It has Mallory electronic ignition, a rebuilt 4-speed transmission, no front brake and a rear drum, and a mouse trap clutch assist.
The bike has less than 200 miles on it and it’s titled as a ’56 Panhead. Like the original, it has a chrome frame, chrome skid plate, and plenty of style. Find this Captain America replica for sale with bidding up to $22,600 and the reserve not yet met
This bike-uriousity brought to you by David N!