1964 BMW R69S

In Germany, Sport by Abhi2 Comments

BMW has been producing motorcycles since 1923 – as they approach their 100th year of motorcycles under their own name, certain models have stood the test of time – like the R100GS, the R71, and of course, the R69S.

BMW R69S - Cockpit

Here’s all you need to know about this bike, from a 1962 review in Cycle World:

“Whatever the BMW’s merits in a contest of speed, it is still the smoothest, best finished, quietest and cleanest motorcycle it has ever been our pleasure to ride. To be honest, we think that anyone who would worry much over its performance-potential is a bit of a booby. The R69S is fast enough to handle any encounter, and it has attributes that are, in touring, infinitely more valuable than mere speed. All things considered, if we were planning a two-wheel style vacation/tour, the BMW would have to be our choice of mount.”

BMW R69S - Rear

This bike (VIN: 658539) has a repaint in BMW’s Turf Green, which was done in 2012. It’s claimed to be a solid runner with some work done to the engine (the mileage was reset during this time). The seller bought it with about 90% of the restoration done 3 years ago and then finished the job. Find this R69S for sale in Delafield, Wisconsin with bidding up to $14,750