1979 Chrysler Snorunner

In America by AbhiLeave a Comment!

The Chrysler Snorunner has an interesting history – though some people disagree on the actual story. My favorite version is that Chrysler built them for the Army, which was looking for light weight snow transport that could carry a soldier for 30 miles. It wasn’t capable of handling powder snow, so the Army gave up on it. Chrysler decided to sell it to the public, so they detuned it and offered the Snorunner for about $900.

Chrysler Snorunner - Right Rear

With that said, I can’t guarantee that story as fact – Hemmings suggests that Chrysler built them independently and tried to offer a more powerful version to the Army. Either way, if you want more information, check out the only site dedicated to these oddballs, Snorunner.com. The short story was that it featured a 134cc engine that produced 7 horsepower “thanks” to a restrictive exhaust. Assuming you were in ideal conditions (flat and very groomed), it was capable of 25 miles per hour.

Picture from Hemmings

Picture from Hemmings (www.hemmings.com/hmn/stories/2013/02/01/hmn_feature28.html)

This unit runs, though it could use a pull start. I guess it’s currently being bump-started? Find this Snorunner for sale here on Craigslist in Mullan, Montana for $650.