Editor’s Note: JR is selling one of his personal bikes and I figured he should share it here because it’s the kind of motorcycle I would definitely feature on Bike-urious anyway. I’ll leave the tale to him…
In the heady old days of 1984, Corporate BMW decided that despite competitive sales, a lineup swap was necessary. In a move of unparalleled hubris, the venerable airhead 1000cc motorcycle lineup (designated as part of the “R” series), was to be discontinued. No feedback, no transition, just a complete removal of the large displacement “R” bike to introduce its replacement, the “K” series. To commemorate the soon to be recognized gaffe, dealers contacted customers with the following notice:
So, pandering to the masses? Offering the last drops of kool-aid to the loyal? Hard to say what corporate PR was thinking. Right on cue, BMW issued the following “one-sheet” to gloss up the questionable decision…
The bikes were snapped up fairly quickly, with quite a few remaining in the crates, and owned by the dealers in anticipation of a collectible motorcycle. Well, the uproar and feedback demands BMW do what they should have done, debut the “K” series along side the venerable 1000cc “R” series. BMW thought to soothe the masses who bought the “Last Edition” with the first generation Schuberth helmet. Many owners were not placated.
Now, full disclosure…I own a last edition CS with 135k miles on it and I love it…and on a trip to Oregon last summer I found a well documented, all the goodies on it, tasteful upgraded CS for sale. The owner was such a nice gentleman, threw in extras that weren’t in the ad, and seemed to appreciate my dedication to driving across the country to come and transport it in person.

Shot of my 135k CS on the Florida coast. It’s a keeper…been across the country, Key West, Finger Lakes, most of the west coast, Texas, Sedona…
Recently, in the Snowmegeddon event on the east coast, my garage developed a 4 foot drift and caved in, and am forced to sell my Oregon Last Edition to help rebuild.
If it weren’t for the collapse, I would certainly keep this bike for when my high miler goes into the restoration shop. Find my 1984 R100CS here on Craigslist in Richmond, Virginia for $9,500.
It’s a great bike…it needs a home that is ready to ride…perhaps to the national MOA rally in Hamburg N.Y. I will be there!!