The seller of this bike has a little trouble taking good photos, but that shouldn’t stop you from taking a closer look at what will be a hell of a fun bike.
Honda confuses some people with the nomenclature of the XR650R versus the XR650L. Despite the similar names these are very different bikes, and your preference is going to depend heavily on your style of riding. The L is a simple, reliable dual-sporter. The R has won Baja and is a much more dynamic bike: 20+ more horsepower, 50 pounds lighter, better suspension, etc. It’s an open class dirt bike that would make an amazing supermoto conversion to go crazy with, as long as you’re OK with kicking it over. The seller of this bike has just had his 4th knee replacement and it seems like he may need an electric start going forward.
This example comes with the stock wheels and knobbies in addition to the currently equipped Warp 9 supermoto wheels. It also comes with a Trail Tech Vapor computer and FMF Power Core exhaust. The seller says it needs nothing and it’s plated in Colorado. Find this XR650R Supermoto for sale in Denver, Colorado for $4,200 here on Craigslist.