The seller of this bike took a salvaged 999S and turned it into something designed to be much more comfortable and easier to ride. It’s not what I would call pretty, but for those of you that believe upright bars and a more neutral riding position are the way to go, this is a unique way to go.
Note that the bike comes with a clean California title through some sort of mix up at the DMV. The seller is upfront and discloses that the bike was acquired with a salvaged Washington title. It has approximately 15,000 miles and the majority of the work happened with in the last couple of miles. The bulk of the work includes a transplanted front and rear end from a 1098. It also features a LSL handlebar, DanMoto titanium muffler, Speedymoto covers, Gilles rear sets, CSC hyperpro steering damper, and a Corbin seat. The original tank was stripped down to the bare metal, polished, and then clear coated. For more details, check out the seller’s build thread here.
Find this 999/1098 mongrel for sale in Redwood City, California for $8,000 or best offer here on Bay Area Riders Forum.