2014 Harley-Davidson FLHTP Custom

In America, Cruiser by AbhiLeave a Comment!

I never thought I’d feature a basically-new Harley, but here’s a custom version of the Police model Electra-Glide that might be interesting. This bike was won during last year’s Rolling Bike Night along the shores of Lake Erie. The winner and her husband decided this wasn’t a good starter bike, so now they’re offering it up to you.

The bike was built by M&M Cycle and then airbrushed by Pamela Shanteau, the “Godmother of American Airbrushing”, who created a Bonnie & Clyde theme. The bike has just 172 miles on it and features a Cobra exhaust, Mustang solo seat, RSD grips, and somehow…red/blue ‘police’ passing lamps, which can’t be legal.

Find this FLHTP for sale here on Craigslist in Shelby, Ohio for $18,500.

This bike-uriousity brought to you by Bill K!