Audio Intermission – Yours Truly on the Monki Moto Podcast

In Intermissions by AbhiLeave a Comment

Last week, my friend Tara asked me to join her for an episode of her Podcast: Monki Moto. She wanted to chat about my history in motorcycling, how I started Bike-urious, and how that led into Iconic Motorbikes. If you’ve got a real long commute and need to kill some time, feel free to take a listen!

I first met Tara though her boyfriend, Mark Jardiolin. I’ve mentioned Mark before as he owns a great company called Velocity Tape that does vinyl designs for helmets, bikes, and plenty of other things that you might find helpful in your motorcycling career. Here are the first two helmets he did for Vy and I, for example:

The episode is an hour and twenty-five minutes long, you can listen to it below on Spotify:

If you don’t have Spotify, you should be able to listen to it here (though the formatting is a bit wonky):