Bought on Bike-urious – 1962 IOM Finisher Trophy

In Bought on Bike-urious by Abhi4 Comments

Back in July, I featured a finisher trophy from the 1962 Isle of Man TT for sale. No, it’s not a bike, but it was too cool not to share. I had several readers email me directly about it but after a few days I forgot about it. Well, I was just exchanging emails with reader Thomas K (after he was a wise man and decided to buy a Bike-urious shirt) and he let me know that he bought the trophy! Several readers were hoping for better photos of the trophy (especially because you couldn’t see what class the trophy was for in the original listing), so I asked Thomas and he was kind enough to oblige.

So with that said, here’s some better photos thanks to Thomas! What a fun find – I’m glad it went to a Bike-urious reader. As you can now see, this went to a G. G. Carter for a 12th place finish in the 125cc Lightweight class in 1962. That result can be corroborated by the Isle of Man website, which also lets you know that he was on a Bultaco (I assume a TSS 125) and he completed the race in 1 hour, 25 minutes, and 54.6 seconds.

Photos by Thomas K!