Bring The Family – 2006 Harley with Sidecar and Trailer

In 3 Wheels, America, Touring by AbhiLeave a Comment

Thanks to a 2-person Hannigan sidecar and a Little Guy camper, this Harley is ready to carry 4 people and all of their stuff – or just two people that want to sleep with their bike. I’m trying to remember the last time I saw this amount of weight added to a motorcycle.

Let’s start with the sidecar. The seller doesn’t explicitly identify it but it looks to be an Astro 2+2, which has a starting price of $6,425. The base models come with a removable hard top, locking trunk, Progressive suspension, and a 2″ powdercoated frame. The trailer is either a 5 Wide or 6 Wide unit from Little Guy, which is their traditional design.

The bike (VIN: 1HD1PRE166Y956825) has 19,000 miles but it’s unclear how many of them were spent towing the sidecar and trailer. The seller should be able to tell you that easily, though, as he is the original owner. He’s apparently gone cross country with the camper and the longest trip with the sidecar and camper together was 250 miles. Find this collection of metal and wheels for sale in Clinton, Ohio with bidding up to $15,100