No hints on this one to start with – do any of you know what prototype featured this stabilizer?
Guess That Bike – Under The Tank Edition Revealed
Congratulations to RoHorn, who was the first to guess that this bike is a Bimota V-Due. In fact, he guessed it pretty much immediately and added an explanation. Apparently I need to step things up.
Guess That Bike – Under The Tank Edition
When the tank is off, can you identify this rare motorcycle?
Guess That Bike Revealed – Prototype Edition
Congratulations to HaNo2, who was the first to identify this bike as the Aprilia Shiver!
Guess That Bike – Prototype Edition
I walked into my office at Iconic Motorbikes today to discover a copy of BiG MACHINE, a Japanese motorcycle magazine that I love to look at but can barely understand. While flipping through the March 1996 issue, I saw some photos of a prototype that I thought was interesting. Can you figure out what it was?
Guess That Bike Revealed – Snow Silhouette Edition
Congratulations to RoHorn, who was the first to correctly identify that the bike under all this snow is a Kawasaki KZ440 LTD!
Guess That Bike – Snow Silhouette Edition
Reader Joe N. just shared this photo of a bike his daughter’s boyfriend spotted on the streets of Wicker Park in Chicago, and he thinks it’d make for a great “Guess That Bike.” I agree! Put your winter vision to the test – can you identify what this motorcycle based on the shape and a little bit of paint?
Guess That Bike Revealed – Sans Fairing Edition
Congratulations to Speeddog, who was the first one to identify that this bike is a Ducati MH900e!
Guess That Bike – Sans Fairing Edition
It’s easy to identify a bike when all the bodywork is on…but what about when the plastics have been stripped off? Who will be the first to identify this bike?
Guess That Bike Revealed – Front Wheel Edition
Congratulations to Ulrich Weitz, who was the first person to correctly identify that this is a Triumph Fips!
Guess That Bike – Front Wheel Edition
While at a motorcycle museum in Europe last year, I found a front fender that I absolutely adored. Can you identify what it’s from?
Guess That Bike Revealed – Headlight Edition
Congratulations to Gerald Koziol, who was the first to correctly identify that this headlight is from a MV Agusta…specifically a 1965 Trasporto Tevere 235! It’s an adorable commercial vehicle with a 10 horsepower MV engine underneath the seat. I was highly amused by the external kickstarter! You can see where it goes in the above photo. A few more photos …
Guess That Bike – Headlight Edition
Guess that bike! Just be warned – this one might have three wheels…
Guess That Bike – Family Portrait Edition
My buddy Tim Graber of Classic Motorcycle Consignments (if you’re not familiar with them, you should definitely check it out) just sent over an interesting Guess That Bike – one of his clients found a photo of his uncle on a motorcycle, and he’d love an assist in figuring out what it is. Do you know?
Guess That Bike Revealed – Front Wheel Edition
Congratulations to RoHorn, who was the first to identify that this front wheel came from a Böhmerland!