Like most motorcycle aficionados, I’m a big fan of Paul D’Orleans – also known as the man behind The Vintagent. I’ve always found him to be very detailed in his research, and therefore very knowledgeable about the vintage motorcycles he’s passionate about.
In fact, I’ve been the recipient of his knowledge in the past, as he corrected me on a post regarding a Velocette KSS I once featured. I had an email conversation with Paul afterwards, during which he told me the following:
“Just trying my usual battle to set the record straight from the mass of commonly held misconceptions which fill the motorcycle world. The true story is usually much more interesting than the myth, and we all gain something by finding what that story is.
I think commonly held views on just about anything are ‘just right enough’ to skip by unconsciously, which leaves plenty of opportunity for writers/researchers/historians like me to dig past the veneer, to find the heartwood.
I’m going through plenty of this in writing a book about choppers, believe me…”
That attitude is why it’s impossible not to appreciate his work. And because of that, I’ve been looking forward to his book since I got that email. Well, I’m excited to say it’s finally available for pre-order.
For a preview of the book, check out this video:
Hope you enjoy!