Chrome Tank – 1971 Yamaha R5 350

In Japan, Sport by AbhiLeave a Comment!

The Yamaha R5 350cc twin punched way above its weight class and was one of the best bangs for the buck of any bike in the 70s. Though Honda had moved into the world of 4-strokes, Yamaha was making great strides in two-stroke technology. Unlike the Suzuki Titan from yesterday, Yamaha was looking to get every last drop of power from their small displacement two-stroker – leading to a bike that had 36 hp and was capable of hitting 91 mph.

Yamaha R5 350 - Right Side

Being a ’71, this is the R5B – normally with a Mandarin Orange/White color scheme. Many confuse the R5 with the better-known RD350, though there are some slight differences: the R5 is piston ported, not reed valved. The R5 has a five speed transmission to the RD’s six, and the R5 has a drum front brake which frankly isn’t very good. Make sure to give it time to cool in between hard stops! Either way, these little 350s were giant-killers. Want to learn more? Check out Motorcycle Classic’s review on the R5 Twin.

Yamaha R5 350 - Engine

This specific Yamaha R5 has been restored, though the original paint has been kept where possible. “Only” the frame, swing arm, battery box and kickstand were repainted. The engine was apart to install Wossner racing pistons, and the seller claims it has one of the very rare chrome tanks, something I can’t find more information on.

Yamaha R5 350 - Front Left

Find this Yamaha R5 here on Craigslist for $3,500 in Monticello, Indiana.

Yamaha R5 350 - Left Side

This bike-uriosity brought to you by reader Mark K!