Come Ride With Me – Bike-urious Supermoto Day!

In Blog by AbhiLeave a Comment

One of my favorite days on a motorcycle was when I went to Brian Murray’s SoCal Supermoto School. If you need a recap/reminder as to what the deal is, here’s an account from my visit last year. I think it’d be nifty to have a day at the track with Bike-urious readers…so come on down!

Chase me like Dennis is doing here!

Because I’m such a shining example of journalism, I’ll just hit you with the Five W’s and move on:
Who: Me. You. Hopefully a few other people, otherwise you’ll get sick of me pretty quick.
What: Ride supermotos (the best kind of bike) around a track and smile a lot.
Where: Adams Motorsports Park – Riverside, CA.
When: Monday, September 19th. Yes, it’s during the week, but it ensures it will be a private day for weirdos that follow this site and it’s not like you were going to be productive at work on a Monday anyway, right?
Why: If I have to answer this question for you, you don’t belong on this site. Anyone can take a fast bike up to a top speed – the fun part of a race track is corners. This will be all corners, all day…plus a whole bunch of dirt jumps. I had never gotten any sort of air in my life before my first day here. Let’s get crazy, but try not to replicate what Nathan did:

If you didn’t read my linked post above about SoCal Supermoto, the man behind the school is Brian Murray. He’s nice, he’s easy to understand (so you’ll learn something), and he’s just all-around awesome. You’ll want to know him. Plus, he’s got his own list of why you should come:

10 reasons to do a SoCal Supermoto Trackday
10. It’s really, really fun
9. Speed all you want, no tickets
8. Pit next to pros! Guys like Nicky Hayden, Max Biaggi, Darryl Atkins, etc can be found training at socal supermoto tracks
7. Riding on the track is far safer than the street
6. Become a better rider
5. Valentino Rossi’s street bike is a supermoto
4. Back it in!
3. Can’t decide between street or dirt, ride both!
2. The slob in the cubicle next to you would never do it
1. It’s really, really fun

Brian shows you how it’s done:

That’s all I’ve got. If you have questions about the school, head on over to the Socal Supermoto site. I hope to see you there – if you’re interested, leave a comment below or send me an email: abhi AT $220 includes the day of riding, bike usage (prepped DR-Z400SM), track fees, lunch, a t-shirt, and photos. No discount for having to put up with me, sorry.

UPDATE: Here’s some photos from our day out at the track!