Count ‘Em – 40 Honda CB160s

In Japan, Standard by AbhiLeave a Comment!

Someone in Minnesota has “about 40” Honda CB160s for sale. Not enough? How about “about 10” Benly 150s, a couple of CL160s, and a CA160 for good measure? I’ve mentioned in the past that one of my favorite AHRMA race classes is for CB160s – here’s your chance to start your own race team and have enough spares for years!

Per the seller, 8 or 9 are only good for parts, 7 are “really nice”, 5 or 6 are very decent, and the remaining 26 are somewhere in the middle. The beat up ones start at $300 each and it goes up from there, the owner would prefer to sell to people who will buy multiple bikes at once. Can’t say I blame him.

Find this collection of Hondas for sale here on Craigslist in Minneapolis, Minnesota.