Custom Flat Tracker

In Dual-Sport by AbhiLeave a Comment!

We’re going to take a submission from reader Steve B. and mix it up a little today. This Custom Flat Tracker is built around the heart of a Honda XR650R motor, and features top notch aftermarket components. Bonus points to you if you can identify where the frame is from, as we’ve been struggling to do so in the office.

Custom Flat Tracker - Engine

In general, flat trackers are similar to speedway bikes, which race on dirt or loosely packed shale. The lower frictional coefficients allow racers to scrub off speed by sliding the bike – which is good because they only have one gear and don’t have any brakes! Technically a flat tracker is allowed to have a rear brake, which dramatically changes the techniques that racers use.

Custom Flat Tracker - Front

The components on this Custom Flat Tracker are first rate, and include Brembo brakes, Sun Rims, Penske shock, a SuperTrapp exhaust, and more. Color us impressed – we’d love to take this bike out for a spin. Thankfully, the bike is street legal. Our only gripe? The style of the Honda font that’s been put on the tank. It just seems weird.

Custom Flat Tracker - Rear

Find this Custom flat tracker for sale here on Craigslist for $6,500 in Macon, Georgia.

Custom Flat Tracker - Right Side

This bike-uriousity was brought to you by Steve B!