Ending Soon – A Pair of “NOS” Mugen Honda Dirt Bikes

In Japan, Off-Road by AbhiLeave a Comment!

Post Sale Update: The ME125 sold for $13,500 after 6 bids and the ME460 sold for $11,620 after 4 bids, both on eBay in Denver, North Carolina.

Someone’s a nice dad – the seller of these two Mugen Hondas is letting them go to help fund his son’s business. Both are available in Denver, North Carolina and they’re basically New Old Stock as the seller was able to source new motors from a dealership in West Virginia, new Mugen kits, and as you’ll see in the photos below, a whole bunch more!

First we’ve got a 1979 Honda CR125 Elsinore – in this guise considered a Mugen ME125. It’s a got a NOS Honda motor with a NOS Mugen kit installed and it has never been started. The seller claims that “every single part is brand new and Honda NOS except: Excel Rims, Mugen Arm and Ohlins Shocks”.

You can find it with bidding up to $11,500 here on eBay.

Then there’s the big boy, a 1981 Honda CR450 Elsinore – in this case a Mugen ME460. It’s similarly equipped with a NOS Honda motor and NOS Mugen kit – the sale includes the original Mugen kit box. Again, per the seller: “Every single part is brand new and Honda NOS except: Childress Exhaust, Excel Rims and complete set of rare red Terry Cables”. It was featured on the cover of VMX Magazine and it’s a stunner that’s never been started.

Find it with bidding up to $10,600 here on eBay.