The seller of this bike started his build in 2007, with a 850 Norton engine and a ’61 Featherbed frame. He wanted to mix things up with a belt drive, and there’s a few neat touches (like an Alton electric starter).
First off, the seller has a photo log of the build at this link which is worth a gander. Some of the requirements from the seller included the ability to see the bike and ensuring anything visible was important and eye pleasing. Do you think he succeeded? The engine and transmission were rebuilt and it has a Sachse electronic ignition with custom wiring, LED lights, and a custom voltage regulator. The front brake is from a Water Buffalo and the rear brake is from a Ducati 860, which does not have a cool nickname. The swingarm is custom and it include a two liter oil tank. A Koso digital speedo is flanked by a Smiths tach. There’s some nicks on the paint but this bike still looks pretty good.
Find this Norton for sale in Montreal, Quebec, Canada with an unmet opening bid of $9,999 and no reserve
This bike-uriousity brought to you by Frank C!