Giveaway – Faster Sons Keychain

In Blog by Abhi33 Comments

Last year when I was at the press launch for the Yamaha SCR950, I got a gift bag from Yamaha with some trinkets. One of the goodies was a keychain that’s not available in the US. I’ll never use it, so I figured it’d be nice to give it to a loyal reader who would actually enjoy it. So…who wants it?

Faster Sons is Yamaha’s marketing label for their new line of Sport Heritage bikes – the idea is that they’re now producing the ‘faster sons’ of the bikes that you fondly remember from Yamaha’s past.

The keychain is made out of leather and it has a debossed logo – click here for the official accessory listing from Yamaha.

Image from Yamaha

Leave a comment below with why you want it – I’ll pick a winner after I get back from Mexico and mail it to him or her. Simple!
