Designed by Carl Neracher in 1918, the Ner-A-Car was sold as a cheap automobile alternative. Approximately 10,000 were build at sold in the US, and another 6,500 were built and sold in England under license. Here’s one of the latter.
The design was fascinating – it was the first production motorcycle to utilize hub-center steering. The step-through design and bodywork kept riders clean, allowing them to wear ordinary clothes on their way to work or local shops.

“Neracar Ad in Popular Mechanics in July 1922” by Advertizing agency for Ner-A-Car (I don’t know) – Popular Mechanics, July 1922, p. 173. Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons
This example is a Model C, which was introduced in ’25 and featured a 348cc Blackburne four-stroke side-valve engine and a three-speed manual transmission. It was first registered on June 23, 1925 and while it does run (shown in a video in the listing), you’ll probably want to restore this rarity. The original oil pump is missing so you’ll need to source a replacement.
Find this Ner-a-Car for sale in Suffolk, England for $14,610 here at Andy Tiernan Classics.