We hold these truths to be self-evident:
1. Motorcycles are fun.
2. Motorcycles ain’t cheap.
3. Beater bikes are fun to thrash on.
We therefore solemnly publish and declare that the Beater Olympics shall provide you with a chance to compete in oddball events like Tug of War or a Slow Race in a piece of junk bike.
So, here’s the deal:
In the spirit of seeing what people can do with motorcycles so beat up that they should probably be in scrapyards, Bike-urious will be hosting the “Beater Olympics”.
The basics:
Who: You, me, and hopefully some of the most creative motorcycle enthusiasts in Southern California (or crazy people from even further).
What: Teams of 2-4 riders bring a beater bike suitable to compete in a series of events, culminating in a relay race. Bonuses and preference will be given to those who show up with a theme, including a ‘decorated’ bike and/or costumes…
Where: Grange Motor Circuit – Apple Valley, CA
When: September 26, 2015
Why: Honestly, I’m still not sure.
For more information, head on over to the Beater Olympics website.
Or, head straight to Eventbrite to sign up!
Let’s have some fun.