Leaning Hack – 1981 Equalean Sidecar

In 3 Wheels, America by Abhi1 Comment

A few days ago I featured the Flexit, a sidecar designed to lean with the bike. Its’ main competitor? The Equalean.

Founded by Wally Wallick, Equalean ran from 1975 to 1984 and produced about 270 units before it went out of business. Wally’s son Ghradyon signed a deal with Mike Corbin in 2008 to bring Equalean back but it doesn’t look like that’s gone anywhere.

Equalean Sidecar - Rear

They can be mounted on either side, allowing for…the double leaning sidecar!

This example has been sitting for a few years because the rig is just too big for the seller’s 250cc bike (the sidecar currently has a partial mount for a Honda Goldwing on it). Find this Equalean for sale in Hayward, California with an unmet opening bid of $1,999 here on eBay.