Meet JR!

In Blog by Abhi7 Comments

Recently, I reached out to see if any of you were interested in contributing to Bike-urious so we could increase the breadth and depth of featured bikes. I was ecstatic to see how many readers answered the call, and over the next few weeks you’ll be meeting some of them. Let’s meet another new contributor, JR! JR was one of the earliest subscribers to Bike-urious, and he was featured in a “Bought on Bike-urious” post because of his crazy early Kawasaki collection – 26 of them! He’s got plenty of other bikes as well, and I’m excited to have him on board. Read on to learn more about JR!
JR - Honda DirtbikesHello fellow bike-urious readers and bike obsessed types. I’m generally referred to as JR, and I’m a long time rider, collector, and general bike interested person. I acquired my first bike as a kid in 1975, and I’ve owned at least one bike since that day. Like many of you, I’m sure, I dream, live and breathe all things motorcycle…

A small part of Jim's cool collection.

A small part of Jim’s cool collection.

I’ve attended every Daytona bike week since 1989, ridden the Blue Ridge Parkway (the finest motorcycle road in the country) since 1982, and continue to ride that road every year…
JR - Blue Ridge ParkwayI’ve owned hundreds of bikes over the years, transport and restore bikes as a money losing hobby, and generally have something to do with motorcycles every day..
JR - BMW R90SI will be adding my opinion on various motorcycle topics, events, and the joy of a fine cigar…
JR - CigarMany of you will agree with me, some will not share my view, but all in all, we will all learn something about the great sport we all share and enjoy…
JR - Stony Bald