The Motorcycle Film Festival

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With the recent release of films like Why We Ride and
The John Penton Story, motorcycles are enjoying an increase in popularity as the subject of films, documentaries, and even advertisements (the latter of which is mercilessly mocked on Hipster Bike Videos). So last September, a group of motorcyclists and independent filmmakers led by Corinna Mantlo and Jack Drury
organized the 1st Annual Motorcycle Film Festival in New York City.

Motorcycle Film Festival 2014 - Poster

Jack co-founded Loose Screw Seminars with Corinna, who makes custom motorcycle seats and organizes Cine Meccanica, a weekly screening of vehicle-focused films – so you know these two are the right people to run the Motorcycle Film Festival.

Motorcycle Film Festival - Logo

In their words,

“The Motorcycle Film Festival is an idea whose time has come: we are in the midst of the biggest creative boom centered on motorcycles since the 1970s. Every motorcycle customizer has an in-house filmmaker, and every hip moto-event from Biarritz to Melbourne has built-in paparazzi; we can re-live the antics of fellow bikers on Youtube, or gasp at masterworks from talented videographers, who often unwittingly work side by side. The massive, youthful rise of moto-mania has excited big motorcycle factories to collaborate with rising garage artists, and has inspired professional filmmakers that now is the time to produce that long-dreamt two-wheel feature film.”

Here’s this year’s trailer:

They’ve just started announcing the panel of judges, which includes a VERY interesting set of motorcyclists including Paul D’Orleans, Shinya Kimura, Roland Sands, JP (of the Selvedge Yard), and plenty more.

Motorcycle Film Festival - Skull

This year’s Motorcycle Film Fest is happening on Sept. 24th – 27th 2014. Find the festivities at The Gutter, 200 N 14th St, Brooklyn, NY. Buy tickets here, and let me know if you’re planning on attending!