New Auction Bike – 2006 Honda RC51 SP2

In Japan, Sport by AbhiLeave a Comment

Post Sale Update: This RC51 sold for $7,704 including buyer’s fee on Iconic Motorbike Auctions Powered by Bike-urious. The buyer gets bonus points because he’s doing a fly-and-ride from Los Angeles back home to Colorado!

Another day, another bike on Iconic Motorbike Auctions Powered by Bike-urious! This time we’ve got a beautiful example of Honda’s “Duck Killer”, the RC51.

The RC51 (also known as the RVT1000R) has always appealed to me because:
1.) V-Twins are the best engine configuration ever made (yeah, I said it)
2.) This combined Honda’s stereotypical reliability with the V-Twin torque I adore.
3.) Honda built a bike to take down Ducati and it was more than just talk, they succeeded.

I love this thing, and if it wasn’t 100% stock I’d want to source a set of Sato Racing pipes to let the motor sing. Hell, I’d still do that and keep the stock pipes around if I ever sold the bike – a RC51 with Satos is one of my favorite sounds in motorcycling. Here’s an example with a different bike:

Find this RC51 for sale on Iconic Motorbike Auctions Powered by Bike-urious in Marina del Rey, California (it’s at the Iconic shop) with bidding up to $6,500.