Nicky Hayden 2015 Race Worn & Signed MotoGP Boots

In America, Custom by AbhiLeave a Comment

2015 was Nicky Hayden’s last full season in MotoGP – he raced a Honda RC213V-RS under Aspar Racing with Eugene Laverty as a teammate. Per the seller, these are the boots Nicky rode in the Catalunya Grand Prix that year with a special design specific for that race.

They are visible in this video from one of the practice sessions:

Nicky had a tough race at Catalunya in 2015 – on the opening lap he was forced wide in a corner and went into the gravel to avoid a collision, and then he ended up crashing out on Turn 5 of Lap 14.

Nicky signed both boots in the toe box.

Find these boots for sale in Madrid, Spain with bidding up to $1,250 (the seller estimates shipping to the US will be approximately $60) here on Iconic Motorbike Auctions.

Disclosure: Bike-urious is a partner in Iconic Motorbike Auctions.