Original CB – 1973 Honda CB750 K3

In Japan, Standard by JoeLeave a Comment

If you’re reading this then the Honda CB750 most likely needs no introduction, but here’s the short version. The modern motorcycle was reimagined, reinvented and then brought to life back in 1969. It was the CB750 and Honda was its surname. The basic architecture was so sound that it spawned a new golden age of the sport and eventually became known as the UJM, or Universal Japanese Motorcycle. The CB lives on in infamy, to re-coin a phrase, and is now the darling of old codgers, custom builders and nouveau hip bikers around the globe.


Millions of UJMs were produced during the ’70s and seemingly millions remain, but the holy grail are original-condition examples. These were considered throw-away toys back in the day so relatively few were kept by loving caretakers for future generations to relish. More likely most of today’s survivors were simply left in the corner of the garage and if conditions were favorable they languished under a bed sheet waiting for the light of a new day—or decade.


Our seller seems to have one of the latter. He/she claims 12,075 miles, original Sunrise paint, new correct rims and spokes, NOS tach and the big one; NOS exhaust. The engine finish seems to have the correct survivor patina while the chrome, frame and rubber bits look unusually fresh. I would want to assure myself that this isn’t, in fact, an older restoration. If you want your own piece of the 70s find this bit of history with a BIN of $7,500 or best offer