In the 60s, this Knucklehead was chopped up to become the “40 Knuckle.” The seller has owned it for the last 30 years, and he knows who owned it going back a previous 20 – he loves knowing the provenance of this bike and I’m sure the next owner will appreciate that as well.
This chopper features a suicide clutch and jockey shift, and the seller has ridden it all over the country while winning multiple trophies. The seller designed (and copyrighted) the “40 Knuckle” logo in 1986, and he’ll assign the copyright to you. This isn’t really my kind of bike but I’m genuinely impressed with the seller’s dedication to it. I highly recommend you head on over to the listing to learn more about the seller’s story and see more of his pictures. In the seller’s words, “There’s most likely not a single part on this bike that at one point or another didn’t have some kind of repair to it.” I dig it and i hope the next owner also keeps it for several decades.
Find the ’40 Knuckle for sale in Port Jefferson, New York, with bidding up to $11,100 and the reserve not yet met