“Are you Bike-urious?” Men’s T-Shirt


100% cotton, Dark Gray. Price includes free shipping and handling to the continental US. Please email me at abhi AT bike-urious.com if you need to get it shipped somewhere else and I'll work with you to make it happen!

SKU: AYB-MEN Category:


I’ve been pleasantly surprised to hear that a lot of you would like a t-shirt like the one I wore on Jay Leno’s Garage. Well, here you go! Feel free to send me a photo of you wearing it and I’ll add it below…

David S and his wife at the Isle of Man Classic TT!

Monty M. at the Egyptian pyramids!

Clay in the French Alps!

Gordon at Aerostich headquarters!

Cas V with his BSA WM20 in Hawaii!

Rick V at a vintage Japanese show with his Honda S90!

Ray braving the elements in a t-shirt and a sidecar!

Harry in Nicaragua on his XT225!

David N at a Mecum auction!

Husband/Wife Pair!

Alyn W with his BMW K1 in Ireland!

Jean-Louis D at the Isle of Man!

Larry K moves a Vincent in the utmost of style.