Post Listing Update: This bike was relisted multiple times on eBay with the BIN eventually dropping to $4,500, but that wasn’t enough to attract a buyer.
A pulsejet engine is named for the fact that the combustion happens in pulses. They’re not a particularly popular powerplant (how’s that for alliteration), but Robert Maddox has established himself as a leader in the field – and it all started because he wanted to go faster when he was skydiving!
Maddox’s skydiving idea did not make it to live testing because it was deemed too dangerous for the aircraft that he was jumping out of, but he built a working prototype that put out “50 pounds of thrust.” As you’ve probably realized, the engine lived on and Robert has used pulsejets to power cars, motorcycles, and bicycles, like this board track racer inspired bicycle with a Cyclone 50 engine. The bike will hit 50 miles per hour and runs 4-5 minutes on one tank (size unspecified) of regular gasoline while it also apparently makes you deaf. For more on Robert Maddox and his pulsejet engines, check out his page here.
I couldn’t find video of this specific bike running, but here’s an example of a previous gen using the same engine so you can hear what it’s like.

No, there’s no practical use for this. But somehow I don’t think the eventual buyer will care one bit. Find this Pulsejet-powered custom for sale in Medford, Oregon with a BIN of $6,500
For more absurdity, here’s a pulsejet that’s 6 times as big as what’s on the bicycle – look at it glow!