I normally wouldn’t be terribly excited to feature an Ambo project, but the fairing on this bike is unlike anything I’ve ever seen. The seller can’t identify it beyond saying it’s a “very rare fairing that was made for early Guzzi’s.” Do any of you know who made this fairing that looks like it contains rocket launchers?
As you might expect, this bike (VIN: 16418) is going to need some work. But I guess if you were planning on rebuilding a Guzzi engine anyway, this would be a very cool place to start. There’s a multitude of stickers on the fairings, and they apparently show all the countries this Guzzi has traveled through in 32,672 miles of life. The sale also includes pictures from when the bike was bought new and a customs tag from an international trip to New York. No statement is made about how the bike ended up in the US, but it’s currently got a Florida title.
Find this Ambassador for sale in Tampa, Florida with bidding up to $1,438