The seller of this bike has restored several classic Hondas and he’s selling this CB160 to fund the next project. He started with an example that had 5,400 miles and what you see in front of you is the result of 150 hours of work.
This bike is being offered by the second owner, who notes that “a few enhancements were done based on knowledge of these older machines to improve the functionality as long as it didn’t affect the appearance. And, of course modern paint, powder coating, fastener rust protection and refinishing techniques were used to improve the final finished product as these were not available 50 years ago.”
Highlights of the work include new OEM carbs, internal cleaning of the engine, replacement of most rubber components, new wear items like the chain, cables, battery, tires, and tubes, recovered seat, new paint, new fork tubes, and more. You’ll even get a brand new owners manual, apparently.
The seller also has a decent video that walks you through the work he performed for the restoration:
Find this restored CB for sale in Canton, Ohio for $5,300 here on ADVRider (registration required)