The seller originally bought this bike to learn how to wrench on bikes and get some quality time in with his son. The project is over and the seller has too many other bikes to keep this around, so now it can be yours.
The seller has over 200 photos documenting the restoration in this SmugMug album, but if you want the story along with the pictures you should check out this build thread on ADVRider. Unlike many build threads nowadays, you can go through the entire thing in just a few minutes and it’s not too cluttered with comments from other people. Near the end of the thread the seller notes that his total costs for the initial purchase, parts, and some outsourced professional work like powdercoat and paint was $4,469.
I’m more of a dog person, but per the seller this Honda “runs like a happy kitten with a belly full of warm milk.” The sale includes a shop manual, spare parts, and the framed colored pencil drawing shown above. I love listings like this because the seller does a great job taking you through the entire process with his documentation, and you can feel the care he exhibited towards his bike. I suspect that a few years from now, his son may regret his lack of interest in this vintage Honda!
Find this CL77 for sale in Chester, Virginia for $4,500 here on ADVRider (registration required).