Subaru Boxer Power – 1984 Yamaha Venture Trike

In Japan, Touring by AbhiLeave a Comment!

Post Listing Update: This interesting trike got no action at the opening bid of $5,000.

The Yamaha Venture Royale was an upscale tourer designed to compete with the Goldwing. Though it was a solid motorcycle, the most exciting thing about it was that Yamaha took the engine and modded it to become the heart of the genre-shifting V-Max. Today we’re featuring something a bit more interesting – someone has created a Yamaha Venture Trike, nearly doubling the engine size in the process!

Yamaha Venture Trike - Right Side

The EJ22 engine was Subaru’s mainstay in their midsized sedans/wagons of the 90s, like the Impreza, Legacy, and Outback. Producing 135 hp/137 lb-ft, it makes an interesting choice for the engine transplant in this Yamaha Venture. The boxer engine is connected to the rear wheels through a VW 4-speed transaxle, and this bike has apparently made 3 trips through the Rockies without a problem. The company claims they’ve made 3 of these trikes before (though none previously with a Subaru engine), but we couldn’t determine which company it actually was.

Yamaha Venture Trike - Cockpit

This specific Yamaha Venture Trike has 78,000 miles, but it’s unclear how many are post conversion, and how many are on the engine vs the body. You’ll get power rear brakes, a 14ga steel frame, and probably the only motorcycle trike powered by a Subaru engine in the country.

Yamaha Venture Trike - Engine

Find this Yamaha Venture Trike with a BIN price of $6,500 in Mount Olive, North Carolina here on eBay.

Yamaha Venture Trike - Left Side