This bike was won on Price is Right back in 1987 by someone who didn’t now how to ride, so it was sold to the seller’s friend who basically owned the bike since it was new. You’ve gotta love that paint scheme. The 696cc inline four engine produced 80 horsepower, good for a top speed of about 120 miles per hour. It’s a little heavier than I expected at 516 pounds – and all those pounds were available for a MSRP of $3,398. For more on the Nighthawk S, check out this article from Motorcycle Classics, who call it “An American Hot Rod.”
This example (VIN: JH2RC2012GM200441) comes with a complete history of documentation including a receipt from the dealership saying it’s a CBS Contestant bike. The seller’s friend had let the bike sit for a few years so the seller has brought it back to life. I’d have a mechanic go through it again, but any minor mechanical issues should be easily taken care of, and the paint looks fantastic.
Find this Honda Nighthawk CB700SC for sale in Burbank, California with bidding up to $465 and the reserve not yet met