The seller of this bike modified it to compete at Bonneville in 2014 – it most recently ran this summer but it only “ran OK.” The carb jetting wasn’t spot on so this bike has more to give. The seller also has more to give as he doesn’t mention how much power the motor is making or how fast this bike has gone before. Still, he says that this Yamaha “makes my wife very nervous so I need to sell it and build something a bit slower.”
A little idle/gentle rev video for you – there’s a little smoke as the recently-installed exhaust wrap is drying and the seller forgot to turn on the oil scavenge pump:
The build entailed taking the bike down to the frame, magnafluxing both wheels, and then replacing the front after a flaw was detected. It seems that the seller did the majority of the work himself but he had a lot of help from his primary source of parts – Hurricane Performance. Based out of Ontario, Canada, Hurricane has experience building 700-800hp motors from the R1 that are used for racing snowmobiles. Again, it’s unclear how much power this bike is making at the moment.
Highlights of the build include a Garrett 2871R turbo, TiAL wastegate and blow-off valve, MSD fuel pump, Frozen Boost intercooler, Carillo pistons and conrods, extended swingarm, RK 530 racing chain, Barnett clutch kit, and plenty more.
Find this Yamaha land speed record bike for sale in Springfield, Oregon for $22,999 here on Craigslist.
This bike-uriousity brought to you by Frank S!