Unassuming – 2007 Kawasaki Ninja with Yamaha RZ350 Engine

In Japan, Sport by AbhiLeave a Comment!

File this under ‘things I never thought I’d see’, but reader Zack B. has found someone selling their Kawasaki Ninja 250 that’s had the two-stroke engine from a RZ350 swapped in! The work looks great – with the exception of the modified DG pipes, I don’t think anyone would notice (at least at first glance) that this isn’t a stock 250.

Kawasaki Ninja with Yamaha RZ350 Engine - Exhaust

This bike has just 800 miles since an engine rebuild from Wicked Motorsports, and it comes with the DG pipes and a Corbin seat. I wonder if this is the only Ninja 250 with such an engine swap out there? Either way, it’s got to be fun as the stock 250 engine put out 27 horsepower, but the RZ350 puts out at least 40 (with that amusing two-stroke powerband). Find this custom Ninja 250 for sale here on Craigslist in Waukegan, Wisconsin for $4,500.

This bike-uriousity brought to you by Zack B!