Video Intermission – Yours Truly On RevZilla’s Highside/Lowside Podcast

In Intermissions by Abhi1 Comment

My buddies Zack Courts and Spurgeon Dunbar are the co-hosts of RevZilla’s Highside/Lowside podcast, and they recently asked me to join them as a guest for an episode discussing the new Kawasaki ZX-4RR. If you have 90 minutes to kill on your commute, click on through to hear what we had to say!

This was recorded before the bike appeared in the US, so there are a couple of things that we had to guess about. I’m excited about this bike and hope to get a chance to ride it soon, I’m just not convinced it’s going to be commercially successful. Here’s hoping I’m wrong!

I just got back from a trip with in South Dakota on some ADV bikes (more on that later) and I’m about to head out to the Isle of Man for the first time – more on that later, too!