I know that normal posts on Bike-urious are for motorcycles for sale, but I got a special request from a reader that has bought 4 bikes through Bike-urious in the past and I thought I’d raise the flag on his request. From what I can tell, only about a dozen (or even less) Lowther Lightnin’s were built, let alone still exist – do you have a lead on one?
I frequently get requests from readers who are looking for specific motorcycles, and I’ll either feature those bikes on the site or email them directly. Click here for a list of what Bike-urious readers are currently on the prowl for!
But Phillipe F. in France has acquired three motorcycles I’ve featured in the past:
1 of the 3 Enterprises ever built, the vision of Orley Raymond Courtney.
1970 Micro Power Folding Minibike
as well as a Bobcat scooter that was privately acquired with the help of another Bike-urious reader – you guys and gals are a great community!
I bring all this up to show a.) he’s a serious buyer and b.) he’s got an eclectic taste in motorcycles!
That brings us to the Lowther Lightnin’. Lowther was based in Joliet, Illinois, and made some distinctive scooters before they started exclusively producing scooters for Indian in 1950.
from http://www.usscootermuseum.com/lowther.htm
It featured a 6.7 horsepower Briggs & Stratton engine which yielded a cruising speed of 35 miles per hour and a stainless steel body. But the most distinctive thing (besides the styling) was the foot control: it has one control pedal that you pushed forward for acceleration and pulled backward for braking (only on the rear wheel).
If you’ve got a lead on one, please drop me a line at abhi@bike-urious.com or leave a comment below. It’s a long shot, but it’d be great if this community could track down such a rarity. Thanks!