Back in the 60s, Tony and Wayne Del Rio made a name for themselves with custom show rods. Tony also made himself a very bizarre show motorcycle – the Outcycle, which was featured on the cover of Big Daddy Roth’s Choppers Magazine in 1965 and went on to win numerous show awards. The bike then sat until 2002, at which point the seller restored it with all new powdercoat, chrome, paint, refinished wood, and more. The engine is from a Honda 305 drag bike (which is currently not working), and of course there’s an outhouse on the whole thing. To get around despite the dead motor, there’s a 5hp Tecumseh motor stuffed under the house that will let you get the whole rig around (up to 20 miles per hour). But this is really a show piece from the heyday of customs, one that was named one of Street Rodder Magazine’s Top 50 All Time Wacky Show Vehicles. It’s been sitting in the seller’s garage for 10 years and it’s time for a new home. Find the Outcycle for sale in Pleasanton, California with a BIN of $17,000
It was tough for me to find photos of this back in the day, though oddly enough I did stumble upon an expired eBay auction for a photo duplicate of Del Rio sitting on his creation here on eBay.